ActiveX ñ íóëÿ

Ôàéë MyCtrl.odl

// MyCtrl.odl : type library source for ActiveX Control project.

// This file will be processed by the Make Type Library (mktyplib) tool to

// produce the type library (MyCtrl.tlb) that will become a resource in

// MyCtrl.ocx.

#include <olectl.h>

#include <idispids.h>

[ uuid(49E2F37B-B48D-11D3-A2B0-00A0C955FA9E), version(1.0),


  helpstring("MyCtrl ActiveX Control module"),

  control ]

library MYCTRLLib




            //  Primary dispatch interface for CMyCtrlCtrl

            [ uuid(49E2F37D-B48D-11D3-A2B0-00A0C955FA9E),

              helpstring("Dispatch interface for MyCtrl Control"), hidden ]

            dispinterface _DMyCtrl



                                    // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.

                                    //    Use extreme caution when editing this section.


                                    [id(1)] short Shape;

                                    [id(0)] short _Shape;

                                    [id(2)] boolean Selected;

                                    [id(DISPID_FORECOLOR), bindable, requestedit] OLE_COLOR ForeColor;

                                    [id(3)] OLE_COLOR SelectColor;

                                    [id(DISPID_CAPTION), bindable, requestedit] BSTR Caption;

                                    [id(DISPID_FONT), bindable] IFontDisp* Font;

                                    [id(4)] OLE_COLOR TextColor;

                                    [id(5)] long Sleep;



                                    // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.

                                    //    Use extreme caution when editing this section.


                                    [id(6)] boolean DoChangeTimer();


                                    [id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX)] void AboutBox();


            //  Event dispatch interface for CMyCtrlCtrl

            [ uuid(49E2F37E-B48D-11D3-A2B0-00A0C955FA9E),

              helpstring("Event interface for MyCtrl Control") ]

            dispinterface _DMyCtrlEvents



                                    //  Event interface has no properties


                                    // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain event information here.

                                    //    Use extreme caution when editing this section.


                                    [id(1)] void Select(boolean IsSelected);

                                    [id(2)] void Tick(long ltick);



            //  Class information for CMyCtrlCtrl

            [ uuid(49E2F37F-B48D-11D3-A2B0-00A0C955FA9E),

              helpstring("MyCtrl Control"), control ]

            coclass MyCtrl


                        [default] dispinterface _DMyCtrl;

                        [default, source] dispinterface _DMyCtrlEvents;





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